Bascomb Kids
What is Kids in Praise all about?
Kids in Praise is all about kids learning to love Jesus, use the Bible, and practice their faith at church and in the world.
Who is it for?
Children in kindergarten through 5th grade. You do not have to be a member of Bascomb UMC to attend.
When do we meet?
Sundays 4:00-6:00 p.m. in the Big Room downstairs.
What do we do?
Kids in Praise provides kids with a chance to show their God-given talents in a variety of ways such as: Singing, Dancing, Acting, Miming, Puppetry, Musicals, Percussion Instruments, etc.
We perform and visit regularly at the Day Break Nursing Home. We collect canned goods and hygiene items for the homeless. We decorate lunch bags for the MUST Ministries Summer Lunch Program. We make cards for the sick, grieving and homebound. We participate in collecting and packing items for children in poverty stricken countries. We help coordinate events for the community such as Vacation Bible School, Trunk or Treat, Easter Egg Hunt, and Breakfast with Santa.
Growing our Faith:
Every activity that we do at Kids in Praise from Science, to Cooking, Singing, or Crafts aims to teach our kids about the Bible and growing their faith!
Social Events:
Sometime we like to just be friends and hang out roller skating, watching a show, hiking, camping, or anything else we can come up with!
High Five Family Worship:
Every fifth Sunday kids not only stay in Big Church the whole time, but they help lead the service from greeting as people enter to the benediction at the very end of the service. This is a time to worship with their families and learn about being an active participant in the body of our church.

China Allmon has been the Children’s Director at Bascomb since early 2023. She began attending Bascomb UMC in June of 2021 and have led the praise band since July 2021. She has a Bachelors of Science in Music Management from Georgia State University. She was raised in Rome, GA in a Christian household with 6 brothers and sisters.